Jackery Power Bar Discontinued? Where To Get One (STILL)


If you’re looking for a portable power station that can charge your laptop, smartphone, tablet and other devices, you might have heard of the Jackery Power Bar. This device was a popular choice among travelers, campers and digital nomads who needed a reliable and versatile power source on the go. But what happened to the Jackery Power Bar? Is it still available? And if not, where can you get one?

The Jackery Power Bar is a 20800mAh portable power station that features a USB-C port, two USB-A ports and an AC outlet. It was discontinued by Jackery in 2019 and is no longer sold on their official website or Amazon. However, you can still find some used or refurbished units on eBay or other online marketplaces. Alternatively, you can check out some of the newer models from Jackery or other brands that offer similar or better features and performance.

Why Was The Jackery Power Bar Discontinued?

The Jackery Power Bar was launched in 2017 as a crowdfunding project on Indiegogo. It received positive feedback from backers and reviewers for its compact design, high capacity and multiple charging options. However, it also faced some issues and complaints, such as:

  • The AC outlet was limited to 85W output, which meant it could not power some laptops or appliances that required more wattage.
  • The USB-C port was only for input, not output, which meant it could not charge some devices that used USB-C to USB-C cables.
  • The device was relatively heavy (1.5 lbs) and bulky (6.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 inches) compared to some of the newer models on the market.
  • The device had a high price tag ($159.99 MSRP) that made it less competitive than some of the cheaper alternatives.

These factors may have contributed to the decision by Jackery to discontinue the Power Bar in 2019 and focus on their Explorer series of portable power stations instead. The Explorer series offers higher capacities, more outputs, faster charging speeds and solar compatibility.

Jackery PowerBar

Where To Get A Jackery Power Bar?

If you still want to get your hands on a Jackery Power Bar, you may have to look for second-hand or refurbished units online. You can try searching on eBay or other online marketplaces for sellers who are willing to part with their Power Bars. However, be aware that these units may have some wear and tear, reduced battery life or other defects that may affect their performance or safety. You should also check the seller’s reputation, feedback and return policy before making a purchase.

Alternatively, you can consider some of the newer models from Jackery or other brands that offer similar or better features and performance than the Power Bar. For example:

  • The Jackery Explorer 240 is a 240Wh portable power station that features a USB-C port, two USB-A ports, an AC outlet and a DC port. It has a higher capacity, output and charging speed than the Power Bar. It also supports solar charging with the optional SolarSaga 60W panel. It weighs 6.6 lbs and measures 9 x 7.8 x 5.2 inches. It costs $199.99 on Jackery’s website.
  • The Anker PowerHouse II 400 is a 388Wh portable power station that features two USB-C ports, three USB-A ports, an AC outlet, a DC port and a car port. It has a higher capacity, output and charging speed than the Power Bar. It also supports solar charging with the optional SolarPort 60 panel. It weighs 9.7 lbs and measures 10 x 5.8 x 7 inches. It costs $399.99 on Anker’s website.


Q: How long does it take to charge the Jackery Power Bar?

A: According to Jackery, it takes about 6 hours to fully charge the Power Bar using the included USB-C cable and wall charger. You can also use a Quick Charge adapter to reduce the charging time to about 4 hours.

Q: How long can the Jackery Power Bar power my devices?

A: This depends on the power consumption of your devices and the remaining battery level of the Power Bar. According to Jackery, the Power Bar can charge an iPhone X about eight times, a MacBook Air about one time or a mini fridge about two hours.

Q: What are the safety features of the Jackery Power Bar?

A: The Jackery Power Bar has a built-in battery management system (BMS) that protects it from overcharging, over-discharging, over-current, short-circuit and temperature fluctuations. It also has a fan that cools down the device when it gets too hot.

Jackery PowerBar review: Multi-purpose portable power


The Jackery Power Bar was a great portable power station that offered a lot of versatility and convenience for travelers, campers and digital nomads. However, it was discontinued by Jackery in 2019 and is no longer available on their official website or Amazon. You can still find some used or refurbished units on eBay or other online marketplaces, but you should be careful about their quality and condition. Alternatively, you can check out some of the newer models from Jackery or other brands that offer similar or better features and performance than the Power Bar. We hope this article helped you find the best portable power station for your needs. Happy charging!



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